Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jose Has Departed

Due to the onslaught of e-mails I have received in just a matter of hours (wow does word travel fast from across the pond or what?!...and yes, most of you beat me to this little tidbit of information), I thought I would address this on my blog. Yes, I have heard that the manager of Chelsea, Jose Mourinho, and the club have decided to go their separate ways. What do I think about this? Well, my initial reaction was devastation of course, because even though we’re off to rocky start this season, I still believed that Mourinho would iron everything out and we’d be back to our normal amazing performances. But sadly, that is not how it is going to work out. I have no idea about this new manager Avram Grant...all I really know is that he’s Israeli, did an ok job with their national team, etc., but other than that, I’m not too sure if this is a permanent appointment. He just doesn’t strike me as someone who would be placed at the helm of my amazing club! I know he’s good buddies with Abramovich and I also think he’s close with Sven-Göran Eriksson, but that doesn’t tell me much about his ability to lead my boys well. Ugh. What a frustrating day. My man Lampard is still injured, we are fifth in the table, then we go and draw to what I consider to be a non-entity team in Champions League and now this. I will be surprised at nothing after this.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Academic Year is Underway

It has been such a long while since I last posted anything substantive. I guess I just haven't felt like sharing my thoughts in a public space journal however, is overflowing with thoughts, musings, reflections, etc.

But since the academic year is fully underway now, I thought it would be fun to post once again. I had my second Methods of Teaching English class tonight. Oh how I love this class. It's three hours long and it's over in what seems like a blink of an eye. That's how much I love it! It feels so good to be back in class again, and everything I do in this class I can take into a middle school classroom and apply in January when I begin my student teaching. That makes it even more fun!

In other news, I only have 8 more work days left at Staples and then I will begin my substitute teaching. Yet another thing I'm really excited about. God has really used this experience at Staples to grow me in my walk with Him, as well as providing me countless opportunities to dialogue with tons of teachers and administrators which has been invaluable as well--so even though I am so thrilled to almost be done, I'm grateful for what God provided me with this summer.

And then as many of you know, my dear friend Ciaran moved to New Hampshire three weeks ago and my world has been a bit gray as a result, but he is really liking it out there and enjoying his teaching so much that I can't help but be overjoyed at how God has provided in this area as well. Even though I do miss him terribly...especially with Prem. just getting underway. ;-)

And of course my relationship with, I am continually amazed at His power. When I was up in Oscoda a few weekends ago, I was overwhelmed not just by thoughts of God as this amazing Creator, but how He sustains His creation. As I looked out over the water and the waves crashing and felt the wind beating against my face, I just felt, well in awe that God is the one who sustains all of this. I don't know, I guess I can't put into words the thoughts of God and my worship of Him as I sat on the beach early that Saturday morning, but I can say this. Every time I take the time to drive up there and to sit on the beach and look out at that vast expanse of water, I am humbled and reminded of God's power and immensity. I'm reminded that He is God and that He is sovereign and that His ways are not my ways. I'm reminded that He is my Creator, Sustainer, Provider, Preserver...oh I could go on and on. I've been told over and over again that most people have a place they can go to be reminded of who God is and to meet with Him and be refreshed. My place is right beside a big body of water. God never fails to remind me of who He is and draw me into heartfelt, whole-hearted worship of Him when I am next to the water. And it stays with me. Even this morning as I huddled down in my room to spend some quality alone time with Him before my day officially began, I was reminded of what He was teaching me up in Oscoda and how to apply it to my day today. I love that so much! Our God is truly an awesome God!

OK, well I've rambled on long enough. I'll end here for the night. I hope everyone is enjoying an incredibly wonderful, God-saturated day.