Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Jose's New Job

So I was watching some good Boxing Day soccer with Ciaran this morning and early afternoon and who appears on Setanta Sports after the Man. U. game but Jose Mourinho...the puppet. The clip that we watched isn't up on YouTube yet, but an older one is. Even though I love Mourinho as a manager, I had to laugh at the clip. Hopefully, the one I saw today will be up on YouTube sometime soon. In the meantime, enjoy the one I have provided below.

For this clip, I especially love when a certain Russian billionaire calls funny!!! Drogba crying for Jose to come back and
Makelele's call-in cracked me up as well.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Journal Theme

So I love to journal. That is no big secret. I've been journaling since I was eight years old and I have the boxes full of old journals to prove it. Tonight I was going through all my old journals trying to find the ones from sixth grade. [I want to remember what it was like to be in sixth grade so I can better teach my sixth graders next semester when I am student teaching.] I located them, read through a bunch of the entries, e-mailed one in particular (that made me laugh the hardest) to Ciaran and then boxed them back up and forgot about it. Then, just a few minutes ago, I was patrolling some of my favorite blogs while I wait for a sub job to be posted on the ISD's website and I stumbled onto the Josh Harris blog (a personal favorite of mine)...and guess what...on December 5th's entry, there sat a picture of my current journal (it's the one on the farthest right). It made me smile because this journal is one of my current favorites; I even had to show it to my friend Amy as soon as I got it because I love it so much! I'm very particular about the paper in my journals, the binding, the cover, everything. I guess you could say I'm a connoisseur of journals. Is that even possible?! No matter, I love journals and I adore this one. And I was especially excited to see it featured on the blog of Joshua Harris. Pretty sweet. OK, I just got a job tomorrow at Heritage so I had better get moving so I can get to bed at a halfway decent time tonight. Hope everyone's having a wonderful Sabbath.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Ciaran!

That’s right, today is Ciaran’s 28th birthday (and his twin sister Sinead's obviously as well). :-) And guess what?! Ciaran got his first snow day as a teacher today. Apparently out in New Hampshire they’ve gotten over a half foot of snow...what a fun surprise. So here’s wishing him an enjoyable and restful birthday! Oh and I've included a picture of him working one Saturday in the shop he teaches in. I took this picture when I visited him in October; I snapped this one without him knowing I was going to take it...that's why it's only a profile shot. Hehe. Happy 28th Ciaran!

And my uncle's benefit last night was a blast. He's always happiest when he's up there playing keyboard so it was an absolute joy to watch him in his element again! Thanks to everyone who came out; what an amazing turnout!

And now I am off to go buy a project display board for a big presentation I have to give Wednesday afternoon. This project is consuming my thoughts today, so I'm sorry if this post is a bit jumbled and confusing. I will be so glad to finally be done with this class. I've learned a lot, but it's been a ton of work; definitely not what I had been expecting. But I'm in the homestretch now and then student teaching will be starting before I know it! Yay!