Before I head in to work this morning, I want to catalogue my list of things I'm thankful for. It's so easy to be discouraged and stressed this semester, so I want to refocus and think about all of the ways the Lord has blessed me. Here's some of the things I'm thankful for that are coursing through my head:
26. A restful Sunday to renew me for this upcoming week.
27. God's ability to take my burdens and equip me for my work in spite of my incredible inability
28. The Word of God and how it nourishes my soul
29. Faithful pastors who preach the Word and keep me focused Godward
30. A loving husband who comforts me when I am distressed
31. Netflix movies to watch with Ciaran
32. An early afternoon date w/Ciaran yesterday at Olive Garden
33. My dear 95 high school students this semester whom I absolutely treasure
34. Ciaran's soccer team and the joy of watching them triumph over both Portage schools (first time in Ciaran's school's history)
35. Exercise DVD's
36. Cold and clean water to drink
37. Nice hot showers
38. A freshly made bed
39. Access to hundreds and hundreds of books
40. Sermons on the internet
41. Wise teachers to learn from
42. The vast number of godly women bloggers keeping me focused Godward throughout my week