Today as I chronicle my 1,000 gifts that the Lord has more than abundantly and graciously blessed me with, I do so with a grieving heart. Ciaran and I lost our first baby this weekend. I was just about to my 7th week of pregnancy...we hadn't even told many of our family members; we were looking forward to sharing the news at Christmas. Our little one was due to be an end of July or beginning of August baby, arriving just before the start of soccer season. The timing seemed so perfect, yet it was not to be. As we've grieved this weekend, I have been overwhelmed by the comforting presence of the Lord, taking our grief and ever so slowly, replacing it with hope and joy. Ciaran and I serve an awesome God. And we trust Him.
61. A wonderfully joy-filled few weeks of pregnancy
62. A gentle and kind emergency room doctor and nurse to care for us in scary hours
63. A God who comforts in the midst of incredible emotional pain and sadness
64. A husband who stands as my rock and strength even when he himself is incredibly distraught
65. Colleagues who provide immeasurable practical support so I can rest at home
66. A new devotional (Spurgeon's
Beside Still Waters) arriving in the mail just when I need it the most
67. Hope in the future
68. Trickles of joy seeping in at all different moments
69. Morning devotions with Ciaran
70. Prayer with Ciaran