Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back to the Grind

I can't believe Thanksgiving break is over already. It feels as if Wednesday was only yesterday and I was beyond giddy about heading home to spend some quality time with family. And now it's Sunday and I'm back at the apartment, eagerly counting the minutes until Ciaran gets here. I didn't even get to go to Midland Free today for church because of the snowstorm. And my dear husband is driving all the way from Petoskey in this snowstorm too. He had to go up there to get a car for us to use from his brother's house. Ciaran, for those of you that don't already know, was in a car accident just about two weeks ago and so we're down to one car right now, which has made for an interesting two weeks with our crazy schedules. But thanks to his parents, we're going to have a car to use now until we are able to buy a new one.

And Thanksgiving was wonderful. I spent some quality time with my mom and her family and then spent some quality time with Ciaran's family and friends; we even got to go to a Spirit game while we were in town which was fun. But I'm struggling with feelings of dread tonight. My flesh is crying out against having to get back to the grind of work and the inevitable, hectic busyness of it all. It was so wonderful to have a few days to just veg and sleep and read and spend undistracted time with the Lord. It's hard not to be homesick when every visit is so absolutely wonderful. Goodness, now I'm feeling sad. I better go spend some more time with the Lord. And hopefully Ciaran will be here soon. :-)


JR said...

We missed seeing you, but I'm glad you guys had such a good Thanksgiving! I was thinking about you (and Carter--how's he doing in Cali? Is he still IN Cali?) Also, glad to hear that in spite of the accident, Ciaran's doing OK. :)

JR said...

PS I took your little Jane Austen quiz--I'm Eleanor Dashwood apparently. Not sure how I feel about that, but it DID reveal that we're AUSTEN sisters! Except I like Colonel Brandon much more than whatshisface played by Hugh Grant. Blech. Maybe I just didn't like Hugh Grant's poofy/floppy hair.

PPS In an unrelated note, Adam says hi and CONGRATULATIONS! Actually, I'm sure it was much more reserved than that. I don't exactly remember the word he used, he's not really one for exclamation points though....he did mention something about non-pirate Somalis which I found amusing. I finally pestered him about getting on the mailing list, et voila!