Monday, January 17, 2011

1000 Gifts: January (Part 2)

As the month stretches on, I am finding myself growing more and more optimistic.  Chronicling 1,000 gifts truly does change us.  Situations and circumstances that used to discourage or deter me are now not so bad.  There are blessings in so many places and joys to be found in disappointment.  God is so good.

102.  My job which gives me endless opportunities to learn patience and perseverance
103.  The sense of accomplishment after decluttering an area of my classroom
104.  A weekend of fun with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law now that they are living in Michigan
105.  Watching my husband create a beautiful piece of furniture out of a pile of wood
106.  Don Pablos leftovers to reheat on a Sunday afternoon in my classroom
107.  A cheery lamp that a colleague gave me to brighten my desk on dreary January afternoons
108.  Tons of teaching/lesson plan ideas circling in my mind
109.  Layers of freshly fallen snow
110.  A tidy apartment
111.  A toilet that flushes
112.  A shower that streams hot, clean water
113.  A warm classroom
114.  Freedom to read my Bible without legal consequences
115.  Watching EPL soccer on a Saturday morning
116.  Internet that works
117.  XBox Kinect for a great workout
118.  Cuddling with Ciaran
119.  A washer and dryer in our apartment
120.  Sweetwater's doughnuts
121.  My sister-in-law's homemade bread
122.  The Psalms
123.  Warm scarves, gloves, mittens, etc.
124.  Dragonfruit Febreeze
125.  Energy that comes after a great workout

1 comment:

Cay Gibson said...

Foud you via way of Ann's Monday Multitudes. We share the same banner! Quite calming and spring-like during the month of January. :-)