Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pregnancy Update: 7 weeks 4 days

I've decided to share my news with my online friends. I'm pregnant!!! I was reflecting about how soon I wanted to post this and since my miscarriage in December, I was feeling a bit hesitant. Then I realized that I want to celebrate this little blessing for as long as we have him or her with us. Friday we heard our dear little peanut's heartbeat. It was absolutely amazing. On Friday, our peanut was measuring exactly as he or she should so my due date is still November 26.

So I want to have memories from this pregnancy so I thought every few weeks I would keep a record of what's going on.  I barely journaled during that first short pregnancy and I'm finding that I'm forgetting a lot about my time with that little one and it breaks my heart.   So this is me learning from last time and treasuring the moments.

Size of Baby: On Friday, was measuring just about a centimeter (seems so incredibly small!!!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've lost quite a bit of weight from really bad morning sickness, but Zofran came to the rescue and now I'm able to keep food down. Hope to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight soon and then starting GAINING when the time comes!

Maternity Clothes: Obviously not needed nor have I looked at them yet (except for glancing at Old Navy maternity bathing suits).

Movement: Too early. Very cool seeing the heart beating on Friday's ultrasound though!  The flickering of the heart in our tiny little peanut was so unbelievable.

Sleep: Even though I am exhausted all of the time, I'm struggling to fall asleep at night.  Once I'm out, I'm out which is nice (minus bathroom breaks).

What I miss:

My church family at RBC.  Before I experienced pregnancy sickness I was sick with a nasty flu bug and stayed away from church so I didn't infect pregnant women and small children.  Then as soon as the flu bug retreated, I got sick again (surprise, wasn't the return of the was little peanut!!!)  But it's been so long since I've seen my dear RBC brothers and sisters, I just ache for the moment that I can tolerate a 35 minute car ride and get to church!!!

Enjoying eating. I loved eating pre-pregnancy and now I dread it. If it weren't for Starburst Jelly Beans (which I eat as an appetizer and all throughout the day), I probably wouldn't eat at all....that is, until today....(see below).  Ciaran just bought two more bags for me yesterday. 

Cravings: Had my first real craving today. Despite horrendous nausea this morning I woke up thinking about Subway and how much I wanted a sub. I thought about that sub literally ALL DAY! I was acting out a scene from Arthur Miller's The Crucible for my students today and I was so afraid I was going to randomly insert "Subway turkey sub" into my lines. I refrained though, students already think I'm the craziest pregnant woman they have ever met with me popping Starburst Jelly Beans every five minutes to keep from gagging in front of them as the nausea sweeps over me.  Then of course, there's always my mad dashes out of the room so I don't throw up in front of them to keep them thoroughly entertained or completely grossed out (depending upon the student).  Thankfully Zofran has kept those mad dashes to a minimum.

Symptoms: As previously illustrated--nausea....every moment of every day. Vomiting until Zofran came to the rescue on Friday night (if I miss a dose, vomiting returns very quickly), intense fatigue, motion sickness when riding in the car (I drive with my windows down and barely survive my 7 minute commute to work), and then there are a few other unmentionable symptoms. Pregnancy is a bit icky.

Best Moment this Week: Hearing our little peanut's heartbeat. Ciaran and I can't stop talking about it. It was the most amazing moment of our married life so far. We were absolutely in awe and in love!!!!  2nd best moment was on Monday when I returned to school after spring break and all of my students were grilling me about how Baby is doing.  When I told them that we heard the heartbeat, each block cheered and clapped.  Teaching high school students has its fun moments.  A student in my first block had a baby just a few weeks into this semester.  She's back in class now and she's been a huge help in giving me tips to quell my nausea too. 

Well, that's my pregnancy announcement and update.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting! I will deinitely be praying for a healthy 9 months for you and your little one.
Starburst Jelly Beans - Mmmm, my favorites. Actually, I recently cheated on Starburst with some Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans, and I have to say, they might even be better than Starburst.
Hope your nausea stays under control. Feel better!

Shannon said...

Yay for telling the world and celebrating your little one's life from the very beginning! And you've inspired me to chronicle my own experiences, even if it doesn't end up on my nearly-dead blog. Inspiration, however, does not always lead to fruition. But we shall try! :-D

Anna said...

Congratulations!!! What a sweet, sweet update. I'm so happy you're pregnant again and I hope you keep updating. Isn't hearing the heartbeat the best thing ever?

Now you have me craving Starburst jelly beans and Subway! Argh...

Oh, I'm so with you on the Zofran. It's a lifesaver. I lost 8 pounds during my first trimester last time, but I gained it all back plus 37 more... yikes!

Amelia said...

Oh how wonderful that you are pregnant! I thought I would come check out your blog after you comment on mine, and I'm sooo glad I did. Congratualtions to you! You are due the same week as my brother and wife - it was be a good week. :-) Pausing for a moment to pray for a healthy pregnancy and peace for you throughout the next 9 months and beyond!