126. 12 weeks and 2 days of pregnancy!
127. God as my refuge
128. Emergency room doctors and nurses to get IV fluids and meds in me on Friday
129. The subsequent relief from vomiting!
130. My salvation in Christ
131. My wonderful English II students who stay committed to learning and growing even when their teacher is consistently fleeing the room to vomit
132. Being able to read of God's faithfulness to those who came before us
133. Ciaran's spiritual leadership
134. Ciaran's loving care and willingness to pick up my slack on the home front
135. My mother's willingness to spend Mother's Day weekend with us, cleaning my apartment, doing laundry, finding food to tempt me to eat
136. Being able to consume protein-packed foods without vomiting and the little surge of energy I get afterward
137. A little miracle prescription drug named Reglan
138. Online pregnancy resources to answer all of my many questions
139. Working internet
140. Satellite TV and Netflix to distract me from my nausea
141. The hope and comfort I experience knowing God is sovereign
142. Finding a Bradley Method birthing class with 35 minutes of our apartment that is also offered right when we need it (Saturday nights...which is actually the only evening we have available August through the beginning of November primarily because of soccer season).
143. Ciaran completing his first grad. class successfully and beginning two more classes today (all of which we were able to pay for with cash)...Thank you Lord!
144. Being able to go for a few short walks outdoors
145. A sermon provided by a fellow blogger right when I needed it
146. The steady lullaby of rain outside the bedroom window
147. Brown sugar toaster pastries served with cut up pineapple on the side (all eaten in bed)
148. Worship at home with Ciaran laying by my side
149. The sizzle of pancake batter on a hot griddle
150. The warm light of my bedside lamp
151. Cheery birdsong outside my bedroom window
152. YNAB budgeting software to keep us focused on being wise stewards of the finances the Lord has blessed us with
153. Grace and strength given to get me out of bed in the way too early morning hours
154. Strength to make it through showering
I know just how you feel! After two miscarriages, I both treasured each day of my third pregnancy and daily fought to give my fears to God. I am rejoicing with you today, friend! Twelve weeks feels so wonderful, doesn't it?
Thanks for stopping by...and congratulations!! Hopefully, the vomiting will stop. I had this with my second child, and the doctor told me that nausea and vomiting are actually a GOOD SIGN....caused by the high levels of hormone that the pregnancy causes.
So, hang in there....by the way...the only thing I could keep down during almost this entire pregnancy was Gatoraide. Can't drink it now at all...but, it was a life saver at that point!!
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