I have been meaning to post some updates on our financial journey for quite a few months now and have yet to find the time to do it. Crystal over at
Money Saving Mom gave me the motivation to finally do so. At the beginning of this year, Ciaran and I came up with quite a few financial goals and we're still determined to meet them...even though we're now expecting our first child in November and I am transitioning from full-time employment outside of the home to SAHM status (i.e. no paycheck coming in any longer). We so want to honor the Lord with the finances He has blessed us with. Here's our 2011 progress so far.
2011 Financial Goals
1. Pay for Ciaran's first grad. class with cash
2. Finish Babystep 3 (6 months fully funded emergency fund)3. Meet with an investing ELP
4. Begin contributing to a Roth IRA or an IRA
5. Pay for Ciaran's second and third grad. class with cash
6. Save for Ciaran's fourth grad. class (tuition due in December)
7. Save for Ciaran's fifth and sixth grad. class (tuition due in April 2012) 89% done
8. Save $5,000 toward house down payment fund 5% done
9. Pay for all birthing expenses in cash
Wow. These are awesome goals. Here's my list for the year:
1) Pay bills on time. (Including charitable giving).
2) Save an unspecified amount for unspecified purposes.
3) Don't payoff school loan, regardless of the temptation to just be done with it (I'll save more by playing the interest rates).
So, basically my goals are...do what every self-respect adult should be doing, don't pay off a loan with a lump sum, and save for a rainy day. Kind of lame. :D
Thanks Jen. And you made me laugh so hard this morning! I love you so much! We HAVE to get together this summer when I visit my mom! I miss you!
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