Monday, August 23, 2010

1000 Gifts

And I come to another week of cataloging one thousand gifts for which I am incredibly grateful!  I love how this little project makes me look at almost every event/scenario in my life so differently.  This week, my heart is overflowing with gratitude to the Lord.  I could list and list and list all of the amazing blessings all around me.

holy experience

11.  How warm and cozy our apartment is at night.
12.  Leftover Eudici's pizza from my hometown
13.  The thrill of watching the first soccer game of the season under the lights
14.  Watching parents love on their kids
15.  A child's giggle
16.  My husband's calmness, steadiness and incredibly strong leadership as he coaches teenage boys
17.  My brother's hugs, especially after too long has passed since we last saw each other
18.  The Word of God and how it nourishes me first thing, far better than the most hearty breakfast
19.  My new Precepts study that just arrived in the mail
20.  My new purse
21.  A full fridge
22.  A freshly made bed
23.  The amazing privilege of prayer
24.  A full agenda for tomorrow
25.  Good health and energy


Crystal said...

Leftover pizza could have been on my list this week too :)) And hugs always fill my heart. I enjoyed reading your post, M! Have a great week :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment and for the advice! I'll definitely check out YNAB. Anything sounds better than juggling a hundred envelopes at this point... :) I finished an MAT program this spring -- what do you teach?

Anna said...

I love your gratitude list so far. :)