Monday, November 22, 2010

1000 Gifts: November Edition (Part 2)

holy experience

This Thanksgiving week, I have so many things I am thankful to God for.   He is such an awesome God!

51.  A husband who appears at my side to help every time I pull a load of laundry out of the dryer (he knows how much I detest folding laundry).
52.  A job that allows me to read great literature every day and get paid for it!
53.  Yummy food in our fridge
54.  Our growing emergency fund
55.  An amazing software program for our budget to track our spending (I love YNAB!)
56.  My Precepts Bible Study material
57.  Warm November days
58.  Freshly laundered, sweet smelling sheets to crawl under after a long day
59.  A husband who picks up the apartment so I can go to bed super early
60.  An amazing team-teacher who helps me keep up with our 4th block grading

Monday, November 15, 2010

1000 Gifts: November Edition

holy experience

Work is keeping me busy and usually I don't have any time for this on Monday nights.  But I decided today while I was at work that I needed to make time for this tonight.   Gratitude transforms my days and I want to record a sampling of what I'm thanking God for as I navigate this chaotic semester.

43.  A sink full of dirty dishes because they are a reminder of the tasty home-cooked meals we feasted on this weekend.
44.  My workout clothes sitting on top of my dresser, reminding me to take care of my body in the midst of busyness.
45.  Ciaran's sweet hugs after a long day
46.  Ciaran's jokes and funny comments after a long day
47.  Colleagues' support/encouragement when I'm faced with discouragement in my classroom
48.  Fox Soccer Channel
49.  Pretty pale yellow towels
50.  An old workout DVD newly discovered

Thursday, November 04, 2010

A Holy Experience

I have a blog recommendation to share.  In the midst of an incredibly busy semester, I have to share one bright spot that keeps pointing me back Godward as I struggle to keep my head above water.  Every evening, I come trudging in from work:  weak, weary, aching from the fast-paced demands that are everywhere and all around me.  After putting away my work stuff (and sometimes even before that), I slip out of my work shoes, curl up on the couch with a glass of chocolate milk or raspberry lemonade and I pull up this blog.  Without fail, I feel my shoulders slowly lowering, stress fading with each soothing strain of music that flows from the computer as I read the beautiful, God-exalting words that this dear woman records.  By the time I am done reading the current day's entry...and reread a few of the previous day's entries, I find myself rejuvenated.  Usually I pull out the Word and spend a few more minutes in the Lord's presence and then I am filled with energy to continue on with the rest of my evening.  Peace, joy, gratitude, these all flood my soul in these quiet moments after work and by the time Ciaran comes home (or as is often the case since I often get home after him) by the time I'm up and moving with my evening tasks laid out before me...I can be the wife he deserves and the wife God intends me to be.  Check it out by clicking the button below. 

holy experience