Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer 2011 in Pictures

I love pictures.  I am not very good at taking pictures, but oh how I love them.  I love how it's another way to chronicle the gifts the Lord has blessed me with.  I love how pictures can usher me into His presence, quiet my soul, make me rejoice in the beauty of the world He has made, and remind me of His unwavering faithfulness.  How do pictures do this?  Well...I hope to show you this summer.  Last summer I tried this little project with little success because I grew frustrated with my lack of quality photography skills.  I'm not going to be bound by perfectionism this summer.  I want to use these pictures to help me grow in thankfulness and it's hard to be caught up and held captive by my own perfectionism when I'm clinging and delighting in the perfection and beauty of Christ and not my own.

So my goal is to share one picture with you from each day of the summer, spanning from Memorial Day to Labor Day 2011.

So here's today's picture...on what I consider the first day of summer (even though the school calendar and my yearly calendar hanging on my kitchen wall say something a bit different).  :-)

This is where we woke up this a lovely Holiday Inn hotel room.  We lost power in a bad storm yesterday and since severe pregnancy sickness and no power don't go too well together, Ciaran checked us into that room for Sunday night and Monday morning.  Such a blessing!

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